Scotstober 2022, Day 31, Neep/Tumshie/BaigieThair’s a slasher filum jist waitin tae be made yaisin these twin horrors: the traditionallie-carved neep an the neep-cleek.Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 30, PleepWha’s that skirlin heich up thair, yaisin drafts tae stiy in the air? Here it’s noo pleepin lik a daftie snatchin awiy chips awfa craftie.Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 29, ClaesFeelin guid aboot masel. Stertin tae git a sense ae ma ain style, if ye kin caw it that. Bootcut jeans, black gansey, skinny-fit jaiket. Ma…Oct 29, 2022Oct 29, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 28, FeyFae furst breith oor doom’s assurit. Sumtimes it breenges, ither times creeps, ends up aw the same.Oct 28, 2022Oct 28, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 27, ShilpitProgress an the Whiggish wiy: the prospick an promiss ae betterment in the “glorious present”. Noo luikit thae volish dwams, shrinkit an…Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 26, Stieve26th November 2261: Didnae git much sleep last nicht sae went a wee dauner roon the dome, tryin no tae trodd oan ony slummers.Oct 26, 2022Oct 26, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 24, PechNevir shid’ve come up here. No even hauf wiy an A’m awreadie pechin haird. Whit wis A hinkin? Climbin a hill? Stupit idea!Oct 24, 2022Oct 24, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 23, GallusRobert Birrel, Edinburgh burgess, notin in his diarey the executioun ae clan chief Alasdair MacGregor ae Glenstrae oan 20th January 1604:Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
Scotstober 2022, Day 22, ClootWhen A wis five or sax year auld, we went oan a scuil trip tae a local fairm pairk. Durin pliytime, A climbed up a muckle widden slide, wan…Oct 22, 2022Oct 22, 2022